Going Off the Rails

I write because…

I see things. I see things in culture, politics, current events, my life, your life. I have to share them. No really. Have to. If we were sitting at Starbucks together discussing the latest news, I would probably talk your ear off. At least here you can read them at your leisure, instead of me holding you captive for a few hours.

Maybe you agree with my take, maybe you don’t. Maybe you want to share your ideas with me. I hope you do. Maybe you just want to read my ideas. All of the above are perfectly fine with me. The hilariously funny thing about all this is this: I don’t consider myself a writer. I never enjoyed writing in school as a kid. I am a horrible creative writer. Seriously. But I am a good talker. And I love a fabulous debate.

Toot Toot!But the end game, the end goal, the why behind it all is that if people don’t speak up, if they don’t take a stand-somewhere, anywhere-people are going to be swallowed up. And we will all no longer have a say in our worlds. I choose to take a stand. I choose to share my opinions and my worldview, to try to effect change one reader at a time. That might be you.

Our society is changing, and changing rapidly. What once was, no longer is. In the space of just 40 years cultural values have shifted so drastically we almost cannot recognize ourselves. People have lost their minds and boarded the crazy train. It’s my job to tell you about the train, if you didn’t know about it, and have decided you don’t want to get on. Or maybe even want off.

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